STEM is the authentic learning space where science, technology, engineering (design) and mathematics intersect. To help students become tomorrow's leaders in this area, our school has invested heavily in making this a strong focus at our school in recent years. We provide students with access to various robotics and technology, and teachers receive ongoing training on how to deliver engaging, authentic and rigorous learning opportunities to students.
STEM is the authentic learning space where science, technology, engineering (design) and mathematics intersect. To help students become tomorrow's leaders in this area, our school has invested heavily in making this a strong focus at our school in recent years. We provide students with access to various robotics and technology, and teachers receive ongoing training on how to deliver engaging, authentic and rigorous learning opportunities to students.
Local Experts: Two staff are committed to ongoing training, with the aim to become local experts in the partnership in the Digital Technologies Curriculum.
3D Printing: The school has two 3D printers. Classes take the opportunity to work through a design process, utilising software to create 3D models in a response to a problem.
Robotics & Programming: We are well equipped, with Beebots, Cubettos, Edisons, programmable drones, and Stem Sell Kits all offering students a chance to gradually improve their coding skills from Reception through to Year 6.
Teaching Methodology: North Haven School has connected with an internationally renowned leader in education, Lee Wantanabee-Crockett, to adopt his 'Fluencies' approach to learning. Fluencies such as the Solution Fluency gives students a structure they can apply to any problem they come across. Students tackle challenging scenarios, while developing resilience, creativity, collaboration skills and much more.

We offer specialised support programs for students struggling in any aspect of their schooling life – whether that be literacy and numeracy, or socially.
Our programs include:
- Quicksmart – a numeracy program which provides almost 1 to 1 support, with 2 children assigned to every 1 SSO.
- What’s the Buzz and You Can Do It – to support children with Autism or who are socially anxious.
- MiniLit Intervention - a literacy intervention program for year 1-3 students who are below benchmark.
- Speech - Speech pathologist employed to assess and provide programs to supports students with speech difficulties.
- Grow Wellbeing - (NDIS and Medicare Provider) to support students with social and emotional difficulties.
SSOs are also placed in early year classes to help with phonetic development.
The North Haven School Dolphin Ranger Program is open to all interested students in Years 3 to 6. The aims of the program are for students to:
- Learn about the Port River dolphins and their habitat
- Take action that promotes a sustainable environment
- Educate others about the Port River dolphins
- To be involved in fundraising activities that support the Port River dolphins.
At the start of the year, Dolphin Rangers participate in a Training Day. The students in Years 3 to 5 spend a day at the Maritime Museum participating in a range of information sessions and activities including going out on the Archie Badenoch to observe dolphins. Information sessions are run by a range of presenters and have included people from the Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary and the Australian Marine Wildlife Research and Rescue Organisation (AMWRRO)
Students in Year 6 have often been Dolphin Rangers for several years so their training day provides activities that extends their knowledge and have a greater focus on learning about the ecosystem in which the dolphins live. Part of their training day is to participate in a kayak tour of the Garden Island mangroves.
During the year students participate in a range of activities including:
- Guest speaker visits
- Sharing and discussing information provided through the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Newsletter
- Developing slide show presentations
- Sharing information at assemblies
- Exploring dolphin related websites
- Writing newsletter articles
- Lunchtime activities in the Dolphin Ranger Room
- Fundraiser activities including running a stall at the ADS Dolphin
- Day held at Port Adelaide
- Visiting AMWRRO
- Initiatives to maintain and improve the school and local environment.
Money raised goes towards sponsoring a Port River Dolphin and being a member of AMWRRO. We have also used money raised to support the Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary Action Group in purchasing a Mascot Costume. Students were involved in naming it ‘Splash’.
North Haven School promotes environmental sustainability with all students through class programs and school activities. Every year each class raises money for the Port River dolphins and the money is donated to AMWRRO, The school also has established an indigenous food trail and a dry wetland, has an air monitoring station and encourages recycling and composting.

Carnival Day is an annual North Haven event where classes set up and run different stalls and small businesses.
The wider community is invited to attend Carnival Day where there’s a variety of food to eat, games to play, music and lots of fun for everyone. Students not only run their small businesses but are able to bring money to spend at the stalls and dress up as their favourite character.
Carnival Day Learning
Numeracy focus: The aim of Carnival Day is to provide opportunities for students to use maths in real-life situations. The carnival allows students to learn about money, budgets, profits and losses, measurement in cooking etc in a real and purposeful way.
Each class is responsible for:
- Organising their stall
- Setting up/packing up
- Advertising stall/Signs/Posters
- Decorating Stall
- Money/Float.
Students are encouraged to do as much as possible: cooking, making, decorating and running the stall.

Chaplaincy is a well-accepted and valued pastoral care model in many parts of society (e.g. defence forces, sports, industry, hospitals etc).
The Chaplaincy Service at this school is provided by a Pastoral Care Worker, on behalf of the local combined Christian community, employed by Schools Ministry Group (SMG).
The Chaplaincy Service is funded by the National School Chaplaincy Program (NSCP), administered by DFE SA, with additional contribution from the local community.
The aim of this service is to offer pastoral support to students, staff and the school community.
The aim of this service is to offer pastoral support to students, staff and the school community.
Our Pastoral Care Worker supports our school community in the following ways:
- Working closely and in partnership with leadership and other wellbeing staff in the school to provide pastoral care and practical support to students, families and staff as requested.
- Providing pastoral care in a ‘first response’ capacity to critical incidents, referring to specialist support, and to provide ongoing presence and follow up.
- Being well positioned to work across the whole school to ‘build a sense of’ community, harmony and cohesion.
- Being trained and equipped to provide our school with a unique dimension of social, emotional and spiritual support in line with the DECD wellbeing framework.
Chaplaincy Services promote student wellbeing, engaging young people in activities that are preventative and which support early intervention and referral of mental health issues.
Other facts about the SMG Chaplaincy Service in SA Government Schools:
- The recruitment process for a Pastoral Care Worker is acknowledged by DECD and meets the standards required for a religious-based role such as a Pastoral Care Worker/ Chaplain.
- The Pastoral Care Worker job description does not include a provision of Religious Education, and proselytising is explicitly prohibited.
- Pastoral Care Workers appointed are required to have a minimum qualification of Cert IV in Youth Work (or equivalent), and to undertake relevant, ongoing Professional Development.
- All Pastoral Care Workers have a DCSI child related employment screening check and are DECD trained mandated notifiers.
- Access to the Pastoral Care Worker by students is voluntary and parents must give written approval for the Pastoral Care Worker to provide ongoing personal support.
- Over 300 Pastoral Care Workers are employed in 64% of SA government schools by Schools Ministry Group, who has over 20 years of experience in supporting and partnering with school communities.
- SMG and Pastoral Care Workers partner with local churches and other community groups to provide financial, practical and volunteer support to schools where possible and relevant.
The School community is consulted and makes the decision to proceed with an application for NSCP funding for a Chaplaincy Service. Please talk to the School Principal for further details.
A Grievance Procedure for any formal complaint is available from the School Principal.
Disclaimer:The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of DECD.
For further information, please refer to your PCW’s brochure.

At North Haven School we are striving to build strong connections with the local environment.
The groundskeeper works with students teaching them about the native flora and fauna. He also propagates plants and grows a variety of fruits and vegetables around the school. Students look after the gardens and use the produce in their classes.
The school has recently partnered with ‘Bringing Back the Butterflies’ to plant and attract local butterflies back to the area. Students care for the plants, study the plants and wildlife, including butterflies that are attracted.
North Haven School operates a Student Representative Council. Pairs of students are selected by their class peers and represent their class at regular meetings. Two year 6 students are chosen as School Leaders. Students discuss school issues and make decisions and take action on a range of projects throughout the year.
This may include: Input into school ground development, curriculum matters including anti bullying strategies, organising fundraisers and school discos.

Wakakirri is Australia’s largest national story sharing arts festival that challenges primary school students to make a positive impact on the world around them. Every two years, students in years 3 – 6 can choose if they would like to be a part of this exciting event.
Students don’t need to be theatrical to participate. Aside from dancing and acting, students can also prepare props, design sets or help backstage. The Wakakirri team is a community experience which allows a student to share their talents and develop lasting friendships.
Our 2021 Story Dance item was titled ‘Small Acts of Kindness’ and we were awarded the 'Best Minial Footprint Award'.